What does the advertising world need more of?
Diversity. Currently, I work in the most diverse team I’ve ever worked in. I’m immensely proud of and grateful for that. In so many instances, I’ve walked away from conversations with my team more informed on a number of topics. Some of these discussions have been uplifting, others have been heartbreaking, all have been informative. Having more diversity in advertising – from our teams and work culture to representation in creative to media partner selection – helps reflect the true fabric of our country all within our very influential industry.
Who is your biggest influence?
I’m not influenced by any one person in particular. However, I am continually inspired by people who challenge norms – both inside and outside the workplace. Anyone who likes to question why things are done the way they are – rather than doing them because “that’s the way it’s always been done” – tend to get my attention.
What is your favorite thing about your career?
Beyond having met some truly phenomenal people, the thing I value the most about my 20+ year career is the vast experience I’ve had. I’ve held roles in television, radio, and digital all teaching me something different about media and helping shape me into the professional I’ve become.
Netflix, Amazon Prime, Crave, Disney+ or …. ?
Apologies to Disney+, but all of the above plus Shudder, AppleTV+, and broadcaster OTT platforms. I’m usually on the hunt for horror movies but will settle for a thrilling drama (in the vein of ‘Yellowjackets’).
What would you sing at Karaoke night?
I’ve possibly sang ‘All Around the World’ by Lisa Stansfield more times than she has. Not only is it her signature song, it’s also mine.